Interested in hosting and event? here some ideas for you to consider.
Programs offered at All Ears:
All programs incorporate the ALL EARS philosophy and methodology, a variation on the time-
honored aural tradition of learning jazz and improvised music. The methodology comes from a
lineage in which the ear was privileged over the written page and all instruction is based on
listening and working together. Students learn to play what they hear, not just notes and
rhythms but also finer points of style and performance practice; things that don’t show up on
the written page. Since there is no written music, students must learn and keep the form and
be responsible for not just their parts but all of the parts and how they fit together. Students
overcome their fear of improvising through rigorous call and response sessions that incorporate
appropriate harmonic and performance practice ideas.
One Week or Two Week Camps
Monday through Friday day (9am to 3 pm) intensive. Any age, any level, all music learned
without sheet music. The program ends with a Friday evening concert featuring students and
One or Two Day
A more compact version of our week/ two week long programs. The end of the session features
a short concert featuring students and faculty.
Teacher Training
An overview of the ALLEARS philosophy/methodology and a step by step approach on how to
implement it into existing large ensemble curriculum. No prior experience in jazz or improvised
music is necessary.